About "Get. That. Snitch. "

"Get. That. Snitch.": The World's Most Dangerous Play

"Get. That. Snitch." is the world's most dangerous play. Inspired by movies like Quentin Tarantino's "Reservoir Dogs" and Guy Ritchie's "Lock, Stock and Two Smokin' Barrels", Great Minds Creative Production brings the guns-blazing, no-holds-barred, action-adventure right to the stage. "Get. That. Snitch." features nail-biting action sequences, tough-guy banter, cool suits, blood, guns and full-out brawls, making it happen in real time, with real people and with real, awesome visual effects. With high-caliber fight choreography, mind-bending aesthetics, explosive and dynamic staging environments, "Get. That. Snitch." expands the limits of what's possible in live theater.
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